At Drury Lane Property Ltd, we like to think that we go out of our way to give our customers the best service. If anything does go wrong we want to get it cleared up as easily and efficiently as possible.

Should you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, please email:

We are property professionals that work within the property industry, therefore have a legal responsibility to join an authorised redress scheme.

Drury Lane Property Investments Ltd are members of the Property Redress Scheme which gives our consumers peace of mind that a complaint can be resolved by an independent third party who have experience in dealing with consumer complaints.

The PRS complaint procedure operates a simple three stage process to resolve the compliant:

Step 1

The member will first be given an opportunity to resolve the complaint directly.

Step 2

We will then offer a negotiated resolution service.

Step 3

If needed, we will make a formal decision on the complaint.

When making a decision the PRS will consider any terms of business agreed by both parties, all relevant laws and, where appropriate, any code of practice the member has agreed to.

For the PRS to consider a complaint – there is a set of criteria which must be met including:

criteria 1

The agent / professional must be a PRS member.

criteria 2

The person making the complaint must show that a formal written complaint was sent to the member within 12 months of the incident relating to the complaint occurring.

criteria 3

The person making the complaint allowed the member a minimum of 8 weeks to investigate the complaint and respond.

criteria 4

Once the member has provided a final response, which person making the complaint remains unsatisfied with or no response was provided, a complaint can be raised with the PRS within 12 months of the dated the formal letter of complaint was sent to the member.